Tuesday, 20 October 2015



For this topic, we do some discussion and divided in several group. each student need to understand 7 principle or criteria of innovative learning environment by doing discussion and share in small group.
seven principle that we discuss are :

  1. learner at the center
  2. the social nature learning
  3. emotional are integral to learning
  4. recognizing individual differences
  5. stretching all students
  6. assessment for learning
  7. building horizontal connections

 Learners at the center  
  •  activities focused on their cognition and growth. 
  • Student have to actively engage in learning in order to become self-regulated learners.
  • Able to control their motivation and emotions during the study process.
  • Student can set goals, and monitor their own learning process.
  • Can communication, interaction and collaboration.
  • Able to share their idea.
The social nature learning
  • Learn through social interaction.
  • Can create, combine and share an idea with other.
  • Learn by pushing and pulling on concepts with one another.
  • Coopeartive group work.
  • Need each other to study.
  • Expend student ability.
Emotions are an integral to learning 
  • Students understand ideas better when there’s interplay between emotions, motivation and cognition.
  • Positive beliefs about oneself are a core part of reaching a more profound understanding. 
  • The power of emotions and motivation in the classroom are well documented, but often overlooked because they are “soft.” 
  • Still most teachers know that if a student is upset about something that happened at home or in school, he won’t learn well. 
  • If students understand why it matters, learning becomes more important to them.
Recognizing individual differences 
  • Innovative learning environments reflect the various experiences and prior knowledge that each student brings to class.
  • This principle is understood by every frustrated educator teaching to a “middle” that doesn’t exist.
  • Prior knowledge- on which student vary sub stability is highly  influential for how well each individual learns.
Stretching all students
  • Educators should try to prevent both coasting and overloading. 
  • Students need to experience both academic success and the challenge of discovery. 
  • In a diverse classroom group work can help achieve this as students at different levels help one another.
Assessment for learning  
  • Assessments are important, but only to gauge how to structure the next lesson for maximum effectiveness. 
  • It should be meaningful, substantial, and shape the learning environment itself.
  • day-to-day activities, such as learning conversations
  • a simple mental note taken by the teacher during observation
  • student self and peer assessments
  • a detailed analysis of a student’s work
  • Uses information to lead from what has been learned to what needs to be learned next.
  • Provides students with information and guidance so they can plan and manage the next steps in their learning.

Building Horizontal connection 
  • Learning needs to be connected across disciplines and reach out into the real world.
  • Learning can’t be meaningful if students don’t understand why the knowledge will be useful to them, how it can be applied in life. 
  • Understanding the connections between subjects and ideas is essential for the ability to transfer skills and adapt.

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